Saturday 31 March 2012

Just some pictures of spring and our little helper

The first bluebells are coming out soon a carpet of blue will cover the woodland floor

Parts of the woods also have fields of daffodils adding early colours

Sheba trying to look cute with her favourite toy.
Told you she'd be making more appearences.

Thursday 29 March 2012

First Green Shoots

The picture below not only shows the completed second bed but also the first bed being planted up with onion sets. The first things to be planted outside on the site, certainly a big moment for us that makes all the hard work worth while.
In the poly tunnel Jon gives some tlc to our tomato, cucumber, and courgette seeds which as you can see have pushed through in the last week.
Lettuce shoots, more of Jon's good work during my absense bring results.

Thursday 22 March 2012

More progress on the beds

The above picture shows an overview of the area of the site we're converting surrounded by a yew tree hedge, with the polytunnel in the background beyond which is where the hen coops are. To the left is a hawthorn hedge beyond which is an orchard, any spare areas will be used to grow herbs, radish and other crops which don't require a lot of space.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

We are not the only ones busy in the garden

Long tailed tit

These small and lively birds have been busy constructing their intricate and delicate nest in one of the hedges. The nests are made of moss and lichen and held together using spiders webs before being lined with feathers.
Common frogs have also been busy spawning with spawn in both of our ponds, although not a much as in previous years according to Jon this no doubt reflects the country wide decline in the uk's only frog species.
Why not let us know what's been busy in your garden, do you have any early nesters such as blackbirds or robins? Or do you have a pond which is helping our amphibians be they frogs, toads or newts.

Friday 16 March 2012

First bed ready and waiting

It was a lovely day today and just about perfect for some spade work, so after several hours of digging, riddeling (basically sieving soil) and then raking it over the first of our beds is now looking good and ready for planting.
This picture shows on the left the soil before it's been worked through and on the right how it looks when done.
Job done, ready for planting :-)

Monday 12 March 2012

Donation of Materials

As a small holding which is trying to focus on recycling and sustainability we try to make the most of old materials in constructing things such as fencing, walling indeed just about anything. So if you have any building/construction materials which you are looking to get rid of we maybe able to put them to good use rather than them going to landfill.
Currently items we are looking for include :-
  • Stone (we are in the process of constructing a drystone retaining wall).
  • Corrugated metal sheeting or similar (to help predator proof our hen coops and runs).
  • Netting (to put over the crops to keep pests off).
  • Timber (we can always put good conditioned timber to use building/repairing fences and gates).

If you have anything else get in touch and we'll let you know if we can put it to use.

Saturday 10 March 2012

Some earlier before and after shots

Well these are more before and during, as a lot has changed since this last one and still lots more to do.

Our ever faithful helper

Sheba, we'll be posting some classic video of Sheba in the coming weeks and she is bound to be one of the stars of the blog.

Friday 9 March 2012

This Week


We've spent the last 2 days sorting out the Polytunnel, whilst not complete I think you'll agree that there has been a vast improvement.


Duke Street Gardens is privately owned garden which was once used as a small holding, in recent years the land has become over grown until at the end of last year John (the landowner) and his daughter Rhian, approached me with a view to working alongside John to clear the land and restart the small holding.

The plan is to grow a variety of produce to supply to the Bear Cafe in Todmorden with any excess being sold to other local businesses and the local community.

Using only traditional natural growing methods and helping to increase the amount of recycling that the cafe is able to do, from food waste to glass bottles.

The site is a haven for wildlife and through this blog we will be keeping you upto date with sightings as well as our progress as the growing season approaches.

Year one will very much be a testing ground before we aim to develop more growing beds for year 2 and beyond.

We also plan on having a small amount of livestock and will soon be taking delivery of some eggs which we will place in our incubator and rear the hatchlings to provide us with free range eggs.

Foraging for natural food will also take place later in the year, we've a lot to do and a long way to go but it will be lots of fun as well as very hard work.

Our goal is Sustainable Quality Local Produce.